Powerfull Features to Fulfill your Elasticsearch Deployment

Completely Managed

Forget any configuration, maintenance, upgrade or monitoring. All handled!

High Available

Replicated to multiple zones, we commit to keep your business up and fight for it.


Direct support from developers.

Access Control

You can create access keys which can be scoped with your indices and aliases with both read-only or full access. This gives you complete tenacity over indices and aliases.

Scale Without Downtime

Scale up or down without any downtime.

Daily Backups

All paid plans include daily backups with 7 days retention.

Still not convinced? Try for free!

Free plan limited to 20MB storage and 2 indices

Try it now

You're in good hands

We are hosting Elasticsearch since the version 0.18.0 and hundreds of customers are trusting us for their Elasticsearch deployments.